Contract Basics
Published on:
October 20, 2023
12min read

Sustainability in Contract Management - Let's Save One Tree Per Year With Cheers

Luciana Gasser

Your Organisation Can Save One Tree a Year

One tree can produce around 1.000 contracts, consuming 150,000 litres of water.


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, sustainability has become a critical focus for companies worldwide. As businesses strive to reduce their environmental impact, traditional contract management methods have come under scrutiny due to paper usage and tree consumption. Did you know that one tree can produce around 10,000 to 20,000 pages of paper, representing approximately 67 to 133 contracts when each contract contains 15 pages? In this blog post, we explore how Cheers CLM offers a transformative solution for contract management, empowering businesses to embrace sustainability and make a positive impact on the environment.

1. The Environmental Toll of Traditional Contract Printing

Printing contracts and circulating them among different stakeholders can result in substantial paper wastage. On average, a 15-page contract requires about 3 litres of water, contributing to excessive water consumption and environmental strain. Additionally, the electricity consumed during the printing process adds to carbon emissions, further impacting the planet.

Traditional contract management for 60 contracts (900 pages) can consume approximately 0.12 trees 🌳 and result in significant environmental impact. But with Cheers CLM, you can go paperless, saving trees and reducing your ecological footprint.

2. Embracing Digital Solutions: Cheers CLM as a Sustainable Alternative

Cheers CLM offers a sustainable alternative to traditional contract management. By going digital, businesses can significantly reduce their ecological footprint. The platform allows contracts to be created, reviewed, and shared electronically, eliminating the need for physical copies and paper wastage.

3. Benefits of Digital Contract Management

a. Efficiency: Digital contract management streamlines the entire process, reducing the time it takes to draft, review, and finalise contracts.

b. Cost-Effectiveness: By eliminating printing costs and reducing paper usage, businesses can save resources and allocate budgets more efficiently.

c. Real-Time Collaboration: Stakeholders can collaborate on the same digital document in real-time, fostering better communication and enhancing productivity.

d. Enhanced Security: Digital contract management platforms, like Cheers CLM, employ robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

4. Positive Impact on Stakeholders and the Planet

Adopting Cheers CLM and other digital contract management solutions not only benefits businesses but also has a positive impact on stakeholders and the environment. By reducing paper consumption, water usage, and carbon emissions, businesses contribute to a greener future and align their operations with sustainable practices.


Incorporating digital contract management solutions, such as Cheers CLM, represents a significant step towards sustainability in the corporate world. By minimising paper usage and streamlining contract processes, businesses can reduce their environmental impact while improving overall efficiency and collaboration. Embrace the digital revolution in contract management and join the movement towards a greener and more sustainable future. Together, let's raise a "cheers" to a world where technology and sustainability go hand in hand.

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